Sunday, December 4, 2011

Battlefield 2 LAN Game + Bot

Are you bored play Battlefield 2 with bot alone ? This try will help you to play LAN game with your friends and bots both of them. Try this trick :

  1. On the Server PC, create a multiplayer game with your own map.
  2. Make sure your server have created the game (not loading map)
  3. On the Client PC, click refresh list and you will see your friend game server.
  4. Do not do anything for client PC (server list still seen)
  5. Now, on Server PC disconnect the game and make a "Single Player" server (not multiplayer)
  6. On the Client you are still see the server that your Server created with (do not refresh the list)
  7. After your Server create a single player game, start the game with bot (like usual)
  8. Now, on the Client double click or join the server that your server have created (multiplayer)
  9. You will get connected with the server that have bot in it
  10. [Most important thing] >>> Enjoy ^^


Anonymous said...

good share dudee

Magnum said...

Works perfect still to this day :)

Unknown said...

host computer always crashes to desktop without error, when i press join server.

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